What is a drip campaign?
A drip campaign is an automated marketing campaign using a series of triggers and actions. The Big Purple Dot CRM will automatically send out a series of emails, SMS, MMS, or add status tags, spaced out over days or weeks, based on the triggers and actions set up in the campaign. In this article, we'll explain the basics of a drip campaign and show you how you can use it to engage with your customers and build better relationships.
What triggers a drip campaign?
Drip campaigns are triggered when a status tag is added to a contact. Optionally, you can set other conditions that must be met for a drip campaign to trigger. These conditions include:
- Status tag exclusion
- Contact types
- Assigned user rules
To learn how to create a drip campaign.
What actions are triggered in a drip campaign?
Actions are triggered in a sequential order when the triggering rules are met on a contact. These actions include:
- Wait periods by duration (minutes, hours, days, weeks, weekdays, or month) or date based (month and day)
- Sending a SMS or Email
- Adding a tag
To learn more on how to create a drip campaign.
Drip Campaign Settings
Accessing Drip Campaigns
Users and Admins can access the drip campaign under the 'Settings' menu.
- Admins: Navigate to 'Settings' > 'CRM'> 'Auto-response Emails' > 'Drip Campaigns' tab.
- Users: Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Campaigns' > 'Drip Campaigns' tab.
⚠️ Admin roles are able to edit drip campaigns. User and Assistant Admin roles have view-only access. |
Create a new drip campaign
To create a new drip campaign, click on the '+ Drip Campaign' button . Learn how to create a drip campaign.
Using the drip campaign search filter
Use the drip campaign search filter to easily find drip campaigns. You can search by tag, contact type, or source used in the drip campaign.
Drip campaign view
The configuration column will provide a snapshot of the drip campaign configuration, including the campaign name, duration, sender, email signature used, and tracking number used to deliver SMS.
This column will indicate the rules specified to trigger the campaign.
Company column shows the company account that created the drip campaign. This is helpful for enterprise accounts that have multiple sub-companies sharing cascaded settings from the parent (corporate) account).
Edit, Duplicate, Trash (Admin roles)
Last column includes action icons to edit , duplicate , or trash an existing drip campaign.
View (User roles)
User roles will have the option to 'View' the drip campaign configuration.