Need to connect your leads to your BPD account? All you have to do is put your contacts in an Excel file and send it back to us!
Click here to download the Excel file you will use to upload your contacts. Below are guidelines on how to properly add information.
Contact Upload Sheet Guidelines
Input your contacts and match your fields to the ones that are labeled in each column.
If you find that you have a column that does not match exactly you will need to place them after Column AB and add the word “summary” to the end of the custom header you have added (see example in column AD).
Any columns added after the “zip” column will be added into the Client Summary of the contact.
If you see that a field requires a specific format and your data does not comply we will have to send the file back to you to format before upload.
If a cell is left blank, no data will upload for that column.
- For Teams: Please include who the leads should be assigned to when emailing back your file.
Once finished, please send back your excel file for upload. You can email your file to
Uploads typically take 24-48 hours depending on size. Please let us know if you have any questions!